Sunday, April 10, 2011

Back to work again! 4 hrs

Honestly, it took a while to gather the heart to go into the shop and work on the bird. The first time I saw TeamRV fly into KLAL at Sun n Fun, all I wanted to do was go home and remake my VS-307 vertical spar doubler that I messed up a few weeks ago. But the tornado really took a lot out of me. Thinking about my plane just made me think about the images of ruined airplanes that I've been trying hard to forget. Especially Tony Boy II, our friend Tony Spicer's RV-3B. But today it was time to cut some metal. I made a new stab spar doubler, this time measuring the top and trimming the sides before cutting out the lightening wedge. It fits marvelous.

This is my first attempt to post on the blog with my new phone... please excuse any spelling errors, as my Droid thinks its smarter than I am!
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.8

1 comment:

  1. Keep plugging away!!!

    A little at a time and the little pieces will add up to bigger pieces. At some point you run oit of parts and excuses.

    Great meeting ya!!

