Sunday, September 19, 2010

Last Steps Before The Jig-- 2.0

Spent about 2 hours today gussetting the end ribs to a 90-degree angle and aligning the HS-302 front spar webs. I sandwiched the webs between a piece of .062 scrap plate and an angle in the vise to make the 8-degree sweep bend. (The bend was so close to the edges of the upper and lower flanges, there was no room for the brake or hand seamer to do the job.)

Next step: I want to build the jig before continuing any further. This will assure the main spar stays straight, end ribs stay square, and all will align correctly before riveting the forward spar together.

1 comment:

  1. Katie, we need to get you profiled on! We're a fun website about women who love their taildraggers. Congratulations on all you're accomplishing. Please check out the website - it's easy to register online!

