Title says it all-- I cut 4 more elevator hinge brackets (HS-310) out of that big hunk of angle stock, cut, smoothed and scotch-brited. Actually 5 if you include the one I screwed up on the band saw, which was an angry SOB today for some reason. It has a new blade, but it started loading up with aluminum and giving us fits.
Saw some new photos of another builder's tail-- Louise Hose and Paul Dye are building a 3B. Their HS rear spar has flush rivets in the center to allow for the stabilizer mounting bars that attach to F-310-- and Ben and I said OH S***. Nothing was mentioned in the plans about this, but as Paul pointed out on the VAF forum, you have to think ahead thoroughly on every step and mentally put each piece together first to catch the many "gotcha's" on the plans. I worried for a while about having enough edge distance between the mount bolt holes and the extra rivet holes that I should not have drilled, but we figure we can widen and adjust the mount bars to either use or miss the rivet holes.
Shop Talk for the day...
Ben fitted his wing fairings on Cruella, his RV-8, today. As he laid there under the plane, he said "This makes me wanna barf!"
"What happened now?" I said, looking up from filing my piece of angle.
"This fits PERFECTLY!!" He just stared at his pre-drilled fairing in awe. The predrilled holes in the fairings that came in the kit lined up perfectly with the holes in the wing, which is a small miracle considering there are 3 pieces of wing skin under the fairings.
"Well you should be happy then," I said as I filed some material off the edges of my made-from-scratch hinge brackets and thought of the many thousands of hours ahead of me creating parts from raw stock. "That makes ME wanna barf!!"
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